Hello, I'm Gareth...

I'm a widely published creative professional wedding & family portrait photographer based in Cheshire & further afield.

I grew up in Warrington Cheshire before moving to Winsford, where I now call home. I settled down & now have two beautiful kids who I adore Darcie & Elliott.

I live literally sandwiched between Liverpool & Manchester & on the doorstep of the beautiful rural Cheshire countryside, so I benefit from both worlds. I love to spend time in the countryside & I love to capture beautiful landscape images of the Cheshire countryside. Granada weather report has used quite a few of my landscape images on their live weather report.

My love of photography grew at a young age, I grew up surrounded by photography as my dad was a passionate photographer. I noticed I had a creative & artistic edge which I adapted in my photography, creating beautiful imagery in my own stunning style which reflects in my wedding & portrait work that tell a story from start to finish.

After all they do say a picture speaks a thousand words.

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So why did I choose the stag as my logo?

They are majestic, elegant and are very powerful creatures. They are also described differently throughout different cultures & symbolise sensitivity, harmony, happiness,peace & longevity.
I also chose the the stag to represent my brand, as it reflects everything everything a wedding & family should be aboutwhich is a long, peaceful & happy life together.

As well as shooting in Cheshire, travelling is in my blood, so if that means me travelling to your chosen venue throughout the UK & abroad to capture your perfect wedding then count me in.

If you have any questions about your wedding, or would like to enquire about a family mini shoot please don’t hesitate to contact me on my drop me a message tab.

Gareth x
