This love story begins when Mathew met Hannah on New Years Eve in the Show Bar in Warrington in 2013. It was instant attraction & they have been inseparable ever since.
Mathew went on to say " We went on a few dates first after we met & I decided to make it official & asked Hannah out on Valentines Day".
I met Mathew & Hannah at the dingle that backs up to Hannah's childhood home in Warrington which is a hidden gem in Warrington Cheshire. I love shooting in Spring & couldn't wait to shoot at this location. Bluebells carpeted the woods with colour & there were lots to explore there with a stream running through it & the occasional rope swing in the near distance. Hannah said " I have lots of fond memories here growing up as a child, I moved here when I was about 10 years old. When we viewed this house I knew this was the one where I wanted to grow up."
Since meeting in 2013 Mathew & Hannah's relationship had flourished, so Mathew decided to pop the question. Being the old romantic he decided to have a quiet night in, order a take away & pop the question to Hannah. Now they have a beautiful daughter, Olivia together & are set to tie the knot at the Park Royal Hotel this spring.